The beginning of time


According to scientists Big Bang is the beginning of time and our universe. Earlier universe was infinitesimally small(even smaller than atom) and infinitely dense and at that point laws of science would prominently break down. The universe was confined in a very small space and had infinite amount of energy.At sudden point (which we call as the beginning of time),there was a explosion which we call as big bang ,the universe was formed.In fractions of a single second the big bang powered the stars ,created the fuel(hydrogen)  that would power anything in the universe.Firstly pair of quarks(very small charged particles) were formed, which later formed protons and neutrons. The tempertaure was so high (billions of  degree) and the particles was so energetic that they cannot combine to form atom.This took just one second after big bang and the universe expanded to one hundered billion kilometres.Further  with the fall of temperature, atoms  were formed ,hydrogen was first.The plasma of hydrogen allowed the visible light to pass,thus the beginning of light.The temperature of universe began to decrease more and more and expanded at a higher rate.Galaxies begin to form ,gravity squeezed clouds of dust and gas. hydrogen fuses to form helium to form stars. Helium further fuses to carbon , oxygen ,nitrogen ,iron while forming the palnets.Later stars undergoes supernova(explosion)  forming the heavy elements like uranium,gold,copper etc. We human are made from star dust.

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Do black holes really violate the laws of physics ?



We know the newton law of physics that everything has equal and opposite reaction .When the rocket goes up it gives out a lot of gases in the downward direction .In the same way a hot body give out a lot of radiations and loses its energy. We can say how  it is possible that a black hole swallow everything  even light but does not give out or emit anything . The scientists assumed this before  that black hole does not emit anything and thus violates the laws of physics but later they found out that it does  emit. Stephen hawking named the radiations coming out of the black hole as Hawking radiations .This can be explained by the second law of thermodynamics, that in a closed diordered  system the entrophy incerases. A blackhole consist of a lot of energy and the entrophy forces matter out of a black hole. Einstein equation tell us that energy is associated with  matter.(E=mc^2). When energy is converted into matter it always comes as matter and antimatter i.e a electron and positron .Stephen hawking explained that universe is the collection of these particle and antiparticle and they anhiliate back into energy  as a electron and positron cannot stay alone. But to his surprise he found that at the boundary of a black hole(event horizon) the  particle with negative mass is pulled inside, emmiting out the  particle  with positive mass. These positive particle are the radiations coming out of a black hole .This are hawking radiatioins that ressembles heat. There is a inperceptible microscopic glow at the boundary. He also founded that the  particle with negative mass that is going inside the black hole is decreasing the mass of black hole. Thus black hole cannot be the end of something but can be a beginning of something. A black hole chew up the universe and emit out jets of energy.There is a enormous amount of activity going out around a black hole.

why black holes are so fascinating

Black holes are so fascinating because it is where the laws of physics breaks .We have heard a black hole is a infinite dense medium in the universe . Everything that enters a black hole cannot come back . A black hole is actually formed when the fuel(basically hydrogen and helium) of the star burns and it collapses to size zero. We know denisty = mass/volume , and if voulme is zero and density becomes infinte. We can imagine how huge gravitational pull a black hole would have of such great density.Here we have to keep in mind that a black hole will pull the object inside only if it has entered its event horizon.

Black holes are fascinating students as this field has opened a new branch of study ( in quantum mechanics and general relativity) and research.It is fascinating the scientists because black hole is giving us a way to travel in space . Scientists have found out that if somehow a spaceship can travel around a black hole close to the speed of light then the time in that space ship would slow down . Scientists are also finding ways to get back to past( beginning of time ), as if we can travel in future we can also travel in past. May be black holes are the way to our future or will become our end . Either we would travel to some other universe from the black hole or would get eaten up by a huge black hole (assuming billion and billion of years) as we know that a human body gets stretched to pieces inside a black hole . download